Transporters Get quick answers to your questions
What is Haulin?
Does the App cost transporters anyting?
How can I download the app?
The Haulin app is avaiable to download for free in both the iOS App Store and Android App Store.
What are customers Haulin?
What do I need to sign up?
How do I only see jobs in the areas I want to work?
How does the customer know if their Haul is insured?
How does the customer pay for the shipment?
When do I receive my earnings?
Haulin schedules your initial payout for 7 days after you successfully receive your first payment. All payments received within the 7 days prior to the payout will be lumped together in this payout.
Payout times decrease as our merchant gets to know who you are and your account trust level is increased until you are eligible for instant payouts.
How do I receive instant payouts?
New Haulin users aren’t immediately eligible for Instant Payouts. Typically Instant Payouts become available to Haulin transporters that have accounts in good standing for over 60 days and after processing over £5,000 GBP in volume.
Still have questions?
Get your answers straight from the experts - contact our sales team for more info about our product features and pricing.